The number of diapers you use per day can depend on the age of your child:
0-6 months is approx. 10-12 changes
6-12 months is approx. 8-10 changes
12-24 months is approx 6-8 changes
Here's the low down on disposable diapers. They come packaged in many quantities but typically end up being $1.50-$2.00 per day. Chidlren can be in diapers for about 2 1/2 years so that ends up being ballpark $1400! Yikes! And it's even more if you have more than one child!!
Cloth diapers are a terrific alternative that save some change (and the environment!). Let's say you are going to use BumGenius diapers and want to buy 20 so you can do laundry every other day. At $17.95 a piece that's just $360. Already you can see how much cloth diapering will save you!
A few more cost effective cloth diapering tips:
- Use a high-efficiency washer to reduce energy costs
- Wash in cold water
- Line dry
STILL not convinced? Here is what one of our customers had to say about cloth diapering:
"I was definitely a little bit nervous at first about using cloth diapers, but after visiting Childish Things and hearing about how the new cloth diapers work I felt a bit more at ease. After using them with my first child it was a no-brainer that I would continue to use cloth diapers with my second child. I have been very happy with how easy cloth diapers are to use and clean."
Help us in raising awareness on the benefits of cloth diapering and sign up here for the Great Cloth Diaper Change!
Just "comment" any questions below and we'd be more than happy to help!