Friday, July 29, 2011

Beat the Heat!

I sure don't have to tell you that it's hot out- take one step outside past 9 AM and you'll probably start to sweat immediately. All you mothers-to-be out there have it even worse. Pregancy is a beautful thing, but no one likes to be overheated. Here are a few tips to "beat the heat", as they say.
  • Stay hydrated!! Sounds so simple, but it's so important. Along with drinking plenty of water, try freezing some of your favorite lemonade or juices into icecubes to give you something to snack on. 
  • Go to your local water hole! Swimming is a quick and easy way to cool off. Maybe even just a cold shower would do.
  • Do activities where there is AC. Go shopping, go to the movies. Yes, I'm telling you to go shopping!
  • Stick your head in the freezer. Seriously.

  • If swelling, or edema, is a problem (and sometimes, unfortunately, it's worse due to heat) try proping your feet up. Another tip is putting aloe or a mint-infused lotion in the fridge and applying to you legs and feet.
Tips, brought to you by and Maternitique.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Recycle your old t-shirts into a hula hoop rug!

Sometimes we have old t-shirts that have too much sentimental value to get to get rid of or are just a little bit too stained to be able to consign. Well, here is a fun project that is super simple and gives you a great new rug for your kids room! With just a few supplies, and I mean just a few, your youngin' can weave themself their own rug. You'll need a hula-hoop, scissors and a bunch of t-shirts!

Here is some weaving jargon for you to use to impress your friends; because we all know everyone is impressed by weaving knowledge:

warp- set of lengthwise yarn (in this case t-shirt) that is held in tension on the frame
weft- the material inserted over and under the warps to create the weave

Check out this link, courtesy of Family Fun, to get all the instructions.
This is seriously a crazy easy project to make a fun, colorful, handmade rug!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Who said dressing boys isn't as fun?!

Mixing and matching what you've got is crucial in stretching your dollar while still making sure your little guy looks stylish.
Here are some cool outfits we've got from 3 shirts, denim shorts and 2 pairs of shoes:

The plaid shirt is by Jacadi and can be $25 and up- but is just $6.95 at Childish Things.
The brown shoes are by Morgan and Milo and retail regular price at $40! CT has it for just $16!
The Denver Brocos tee is from Gap and is $20.. Not at CT- we have it for $6.95!
So remember, shop consignment and save yourself a bundle!

And for crying out loud, how cute are these shoes?!

Throw on him a pair of Wayfarers and you've got yourself a regular hipster.