Saturday, August 13, 2011

Egg Carton Planter!

Here is an easy craft for making an egg carton planter!

Step 1: Eat some eggs!

Step 2: Cut off the top of the carton to make compartments for the seeds. If you want to decorate it be sure to use non-toxic markers.

Step 3: Fill the compartments about 3/4 full of soil, place a seed in each spot and top it off with soil. Give it sun and water and watch it grow!

Step 4: Once the plants are popping up through the soil you can plant them in the ground! The beauty of this project is that the biodegradable egg cartons make it so you can plant the whole thing in the ground!

Since we're rounding out the summer months, planting in the ground might not be the most practical option, but you can do the exact same thing in a big planter and keep the plants year round!

Thanks to for this idea- full text here

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